Black Friday is truly amazing. How this day has become a world wide event is incredible, reaching out to all customers and all retailers alike, with endless savings to help us save on all types of luxuries and necessities, not only for one day but now has evolved to a week long event.
How did this incredible day come about?
Around this time in America is the season of Thanksgiving, which from the 19th century, has turned into a retail FREE-FOR-ALL. Huge parades flooded the streets of America with store sponsored thanksgiving celebrations usually ending with the big man himself Santa making an appearance at the end of the parades symbolizing that the shopping holiday is about to commence. Most retail establishments wouldn’t start to advertise sales until after the thanksgiving celebrations , Friday that follows thanksgiving is the day that the sale day was born.
Why is it called Black Friday?
The first and most common knowledge answer is that after thanksgiving, retailers would need to entice customers back for an opportunity to “Get Back Into The Black” meaning to start to the profitable quarter of the year, for many it’s deemed the last chance saloon for the years business to be worth it. Secondly around this time in Philli U.S.A, this particular Friday is sandwiched in-between Thanksgiving and huge traditional sporting event for the Army-Navy football game on the Saturday which was an epic weekend in Brotherly, but for many locals this was a very stressful time to get around town with thousands of visitors descending here, so the locals called started to call it “Black Friday” to reflect how irritating it was.
Why do retailers really offer these deals?
For the majority of large retailers its technically just another business day but has now become so huge that it’s another opportunity for them to become even bigger powers, but for us smaller family run businesses this is our time to try and compete with the big boys, as we all try to eat from the same pie, not only do we compete, we serve the community with great products, great prices but we try to give a great service in those sale prices, it means more to us to keep the locals happy even when we endeavor to reach out to the mases.
Unfortunately from time to time, there has been a small part of bad press around the world regarding Black Friday, when it comes to special offers and limited stock comes the crowds, full of energy to get those last deals at the lowest prices, and with that unfortunately people lose their heads and act irresponsibly causing mayhem and creating a feeding frenzy where people have actually died in the rush being crushed. We would never condone this behavior and hope people act responsibly this and every year moving forward especially with a world pandemic. We should all care a tad more. So on that note….
We have many great Black Friday deals online. Check out what we have to offer with our VIP EXCLUSIVE deals.
Remember, our prices our cheaper than most even before BLACK FRIDAY sales, but here they are…